

   2022年10月17日,美國國稅局IRS公告提醒所有美國納稅人,若您家中有做為被撫養人的小孩,可以檢視自己是否具有2021年兒童稅收抵免(CTC)的資格。6歲以下的孩童每位最高可獲得3600美金的抵免額; 6-17歲的孩童每位最高可獲得3000美金的抵免額。


  1. 孩童未滿18歲
  2. 孩童擁有社會安全碼(SSN)
  3. 孩童與納稅人同住半年以上
  4. 孩童為美國公民或美國永久居民
  5. 夫妻聯合報稅且年收入未達$150000美金
  6. 一家之主報稅且年收入未達$112500美金
  7. 單身報稅或夫妻分開報稅且年收入未達$75000美金

美國註冊會計師 羅霞  提醒您,想申請抵免的父母、祖父母、養父母或其他親屬,請記得提交2021年的納稅申報表才可獲得抵免。若您當年度不須繳稅,仍然可以申請兒童稅收抵免。美國國稅局審核通過後會將您的抵免金直接匯入您的美國銀行帳戶或是寄支票給您。

歡迎來電諮詢 美國註冊會計師 羅霞 +886 980919600 
或者 E-mail: 

(美稅服務有限公司 USTAX Service LLC)

Do Not Miss Your Child Tax Credit

   Oct 17, 2022, the IRS reminded every US taxpayer who has a child in their family as their dependent on the tax return can check whether they are eligible to benefit from the Child Tax Credit (CTC). For a child who is under the age of 6, the credit is up to $3,600. For a child who is at the age of 6-17, the credit is up to $3000.

To claim the credit, taxpayers and children should meet the following conditions:

  1. Children are under the age of 18 at the end of the year.
  2. Children have a Social Security Number (SSN).
  3. Children have lived with the taxpayers for more than half a year.
  4. Children have been a U.S. citizens or U.S. resident aliens.
  5. Taxpayers are filing a joint return, and annual income is less than $150,000.
  6. Taxpayers are filing as a head of household, and annual income is less than $112,500.
  7. Taxpayers are single filers or filing a separate return, and annual income is less than $75,000.

USCPA Luo Xia reminds you that parents, grandparents, foster parents or other relatives who want to apply for the credit, please be sure to file a 2021 federal tax return to claim it. If you don’t have to pay your tax in the tax year, you still can apply for the Child Tax Credit. Once the IRS approve the application, the credit will directly transfer to your US bank account or send you a check.

If you have any questions or need further help,
please contact us at the  USCPA Luo Xia +886 980919600
or Email: 
Also welcome to visit our website: (USTAX Service LLC)

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